Projects subsidized by:

“Standardization of the closing system for Autoclaves by davit”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a project called “Standardization of the closing system for Autoclaves by davit”, which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the FEDER, within the call for aid in the framework of the Technological Innovation Check Program for the 2014 financial year (More information).
“Development of a new process for the recovery of Nitrogen in large capacity autoclaves”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a project called “Development of a new process for the recovery of Nitrogen in large-capacity autoclaves”, which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the FEDER, within the call for aid within the framework of the Innova Program for the 2014 financial year. (More information)

“Replacement of lighting by LEDs”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing the project to replace lighting with LEDs, which is subsidized by the European Union, through the FEDER and the Principality of Asturias, through the public aid program for industries, within the call for the use of renewable energies and for energy saving and efficiency actions, for private companies, for the year 2014.

“Development of a three-ring closure system for autoclaves”
Industrial Olmar S.A. has developed a project called “Development of a three-ring closure system for autoclaves”, which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA, the European Union through the FEDER and the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, within the call for aid within the framework of the Support Program for Innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises (Innoempresa) 2007-2013.
“Making trips and attending fairs for international promotion”
Objective: In accordance with the company’s internationalization strategy, the main objectives of the aforementioned project are the following:
o Consolidate the presence of our products in international markets that are currently difficult to access.
o Increase our presence in large groups of world prestige.
o Turn the company into one of the two main suppliers of autoclaves for the aeronautical/aerospace sector worldwide.

“Development of a test autoclave”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a project called “Development of a new test autoclave”, which is subsidized by the European Union, through the FEDER and the Principality of Asturias, through the Science, Technology and Innovation Plan 2013-2017, within the call for aid to companies for the execution of R+D+i projects for the year 2014.
The general objective of the project is to allow OLMAR to evolve its autoclaves and maintain its privileged position in the market, since it will allow manufacturers of carbon fiber parts to optimize their curing cycles, reducing their energy consumption while increasing their productivity without need to sacrifice quality in the manufacture of parts, as occurs with other manufacturing systems.

“Development of a new process for the recovery of Nitrogen in large capacity autoclaves”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a project called “Development of a new process for the recovery of Nitrogen in large-capacity autoclaves”, for which R+D+i personnel have been hired, through a grant from the European Union, through the FEDER and the Principality of Asturias, through the 2013-2017 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan, within the call for aid under the Jovellanos Program for the 2014 financial year.
Objective: Evaluate, select and size the optimal process for the recovery of nitrogen from the curing of composite material parts in large autoclaves. This will significantly reduce the energy, environmental and economic costs associated with the operation of the autoclaves.

“Analysis of the curing process of composite materials in autoclaves”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a project called “Analysis of the curing process of composite materials in autoclaves” which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the FEDER, within the call for aid in the framework of the Technological Innovation Check Program for the 2015 financial year.
Objective: The fluid-thermodynamic study of an autoclave under load, considering both the clamping tool and the composite material component, aims to guarantee the necessary temperature homogenization during the consolidation process, adopting the necessary measures to homogenize the field. of speeds or the adequate heating strategy. Thus, the quality of the composite material can be guaranteed by minimizing the times of the curing process.

Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a project called «Development of a system for the analysis of defectology in composite material through thermographic vision», which is co-financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain and by the European Union through the FEDER, within the Call for Challenges-Collaboration 2015 of the State Program for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society.
Reference: RTC-2015-3520-4
Objective: The objective of the project is the development of a system to analyze the defectology of the composite material, used in the manufacture of parts in the aeronautical industry, during the curing stage that takes place inside the autoclave.

“Optimization of the efficiency of fire-tube boilers through integral design based on CFD and FEM (EfiCAL)”
Objective: development of a new global system for the design of fire-tube boilers through analysis based on volume/finite element tools (CFD/FEM) that allows its optimization from the fluid dynamic and structural point of view, thus leading to more compact designs. and efficient, reducing the consumption of materials in its manufacture and the consumption of fuel (and emissions) during its operation.

“New additive manufacturing technologies based on Coldspray for application in the aeronautical industry”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a project called “New additive manufacturing technologies based on Coldspray for application in the aeronautical industry” which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the FEDER, within the call of aid within the framework of the Business Investment Projects Program in the Principality of Asturias for the financial year 2017.
Objective: diversification of OLMAR’s productive activity towards new production methods based on additive manufacturing technologies. Specifically, this project aims to put into operation a new line of activity based on Cold Spray technology with specific objectives of opening new lines of business in the medium and long term.

“New additive manufacturing process based on cold spray technology for the production of tooling for composite material aeronautical parts (CUNA)”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a new project called “New additive manufacturing process based on cold spray technology for the production of tooling for composite material aeronautical parts (CUNA)” which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the FEDER, within the call for aid aimed at companies for the development of R+D+i projects within the framework of the Asturias RIS3 Strategy (RIS-Company Program), for the 2017 financial year.
Objective: development of a new additive manufacturing process based on cold spray technology applicable to the production and repair of composite curing tools

“Development of autoclave with vertical flow circulation”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a new project called «Development of an autoclave with vertical flow circulation» which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the FEDER, within the call for aid aimed at companies for the development of R+D+i projects within the framework of the Asturias RIS3 Strategy (RIS-Company Program), for the 2018 financial year.
Objective: development of an autoclave with vertical flow circulation with which, starting from a standard construction configuration, its operating conditions can be adapted to the specific requirements of curing very different parts in terms of dimensions and/or materials. For this, the necessary innovations will be made in the design of the autoclave equipment that, together with the air flow regulation and distribution equipment, are capable of giving a response adapted to the curing requirements of each particular piece, in a much more efficient and optimized way.

“Advice and exploration of the capabilities of additive manufacturing through laser sintering technologies of metallic materials applied to the defense sector”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a project called “Advice and exploration of additive manufacturing capabilities through laser sintering technologies of metallic materials applied to the defense sector” which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union to through the FEDER, within the call for aid within the framework of the Technological Innovation Check Program for the financial year 2019.
Objective: It is intended to carry out advice and exploration of a technical nature regarding the application and use of the benefits of additive manufacturing, through the application of laser sintering technologies of metallic materials – DMLS type technologies -, applied to elements varied in the defense sector. Specifically, such innovative manufacturing technology will be applied to the areas/subjects that include both capital goods and new products.

“Design of the closing system of an autoclave by davit”
Industrial Olmar S.A. is developing a new project called “Design of the closing system of an autoclave using a davit” which is subsidized by the Government of the Principality of Asturias through IDEPA and the European Union through the FEDER, within the call for aid aimed at companies for the development of R+D+i projects within the framework of the Asturias RIS3 Strategy, INNOVA IDEPA call, for the year 2019
Objective: redesign of the current closing system by davit that will allow the development of a more robust, optimized and precise system. It will be that the design is parameterizable, being able to vary the main dimensions and thicknesses of the system depending on the diameter of the equipment, weight of the door and arm of the davit.